blog 079 : 按本地學費讀英國大學的學童抵英時間參考

blog 079 : 按本地學費讀英國大學的學童抵英時間參考

【按本地學費讀英國大學的學童抵英時間參考】英倫移民Janine Miu#79

不少人選擇移民英國,首要都是為了子女將來着想。講到教育的安排,例如就讀公立的state school/grammar school?或是私立的day school/boarding school?這當然是每個人衡量自己理想及財政負擔能力去計劃。但講到讀大學,學費問題則又是另一次安排計算。


The Education (Fees and Awards) (England) Regulations 2007
In order to qualify for ‘home’ fees under this category, you must meet all of the following criteria:

(a) you must be settled in the UK on the first day of the first academic year of the course; and
你必須在課程開始時第一個學期的第一天,已取得永久居民的資格(Settled Status)

(b) you must be ordinarily resident in the UK on the first day of the first academic year of the course; and

(c) you must also have been ordinarily resident in the UK and Islands for the full three year period before the first day of the first academic year of the course, for example, if your course begins in October 2018 you must have been ordinarily resident in the UK and Islands from 1 September 2015 to 31 August 2018; and

(d) the main purpose for your residence in the UK and Islands must not have been to receive full-time education during any part of that three-year period.

Note: It is not necessary to have had settled immigration status in the UK for the full three years. You only need to show that you have it on, at the latest, the first day of the first academic year of the course.

讓我以BNO Visa申請者們為例,這當中有兩個數字你們需要記住:第一,是申請人需要在英國連續居住五年,達到相關的居住要求,才能夠在五年後申請永居。




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